Partner research and commercial missions

Business partner search

Where we are able to identify potential areas of synergy between our members and/or other companies with an interest in Cambodia, we facilitate an initial meeting to discuss potential opportunities in more detail. If you need local business partners (e.g. investment partners, distributors, importers, or suppliers), we will scan our network for the most suitable prospects and provide you with a detailed list with their contact details. This list will include the names of individuals or companies identified as potential business partners and their key contact details (address, website, telephone number, email address).


Trade missions

Companies or organisations interested in undertaking a trade mission to Cambodia are invited to contact us for assistance. We are in a unique position to help you find potential partners, as well as to assist you with the logistics of the trip. Specifically, we use our extensive business network in Cambodia to identify companies that you would be wise to meet. We then contact these companies to present your company, explain the nature of your products and services, and the type of collaboration you are looking for in Cambodia. Once we have obtained the commitment of the potential partner to meet with you, we make all the necessary arrangements for your visit (schedule, transportation, accommodation, etc.) and accompany you on your trip as a facilitator, providing translation services if necessary.

More information : If you would like to receive more details on the services offered or request a quote for specific services, please contact Eurocham services.  

Working languages : French, English, Khmer.

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