Details of an event

Francophonie Celebration - CCIFC Siem Reap


Event ended.

The CCIFC Siem Reap Section celebrates the French-speaking world on 23 and 24 March 2024.

Francophonie Celebration - CCIFC Siem Reap

The CCIFC Siem Reap Section celebrates the French-speaking world on 23 and 24 March 2024, in collaboration with the Ecole d'Hotellerie et de Tourisme Paul Dubrule, the Alliance Française Siem Reap and the Siem Reap Tourism Club Association - STC. The event is free of charge.

Saturday: 10am to 7pm, followed by an evening dance.

Official ceremony at 4pm.

Sunday: 10am to 5pm.

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