Details of an event

Embassy brief

French Institute of Cambodia, 218 Keo Chea St., (184), Phnom Penh Cambodia
See on map

Event ended.

A free, members-only event in French to review the Kingdom's political and economic situation.

[Translate to Anglais:]

To mark the start of the new academic year, the CCI France Cambodge is organising the Embassy Briefing on Wednesday 13 September from 8.30am to 9.30am in the amphitheatre of the Institut Français du Cambodge. This free event, in French and reserved for members only, will provide an update on the political situation in Cambodia with Jacques Pellet, French Ambassador to Cambodia, and on the economic situation with Emmanuel Ly-Batallan, Head of the Economic Department of the French Embassy. These presentations will be followed by a lengthy question and answer session to encourage discussion.

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