Details of an event


Café du Commerce x Francophonie


Event ended.

The CCI France Cambodge is organising a Café du Commerce on 29 March at 6pm at the IFC to mark the Semaine de la Francophonie.

[Translate to Anglais:]

The Café du Commerce is back!

The CCI France Cambodge, in partnership with the Institut Français du Cambodge (IFC), is organising a Café du Commerce to mark the Semaine de la Francophonie. This event will take place on 29 March 2024, starting at 6pm at the IFC.
Join us to celebrate this week in an atmosphere of meetings and exchanges.
Place: French Institute of Cambodia
Date: Friday 29 March 2024
Time : From 6 pm

Book your ticket now :

Online price: 15 USD (member) / 20 USD (non-member)
Price on site: 20 USD (member) / 25 USD (non-member)
Ticket includes free-flow and nibbles.

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