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[ Back to ] Economic mission to Battambang

The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Cambodia (CCIFC) organised an economic mission to Battambang on 16 and 17 June.

The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Cambodia (CCIFC) organised an economic mission to Battambang on 16 and 17 June. We were joined by some fifteen CCIFC member companies from Siem Reap and Phnom Penh. 

Mr Jacques Pellet, the French Ambassador to Cambodia, honoured us with his presence and hosted a cocktail party for us at the Institut Français in Battambang. 

We would also like to thank Mr Emmanuel Ly-Batallan, Head of the Economic Department at the French Embassy, for his commitment and thoroughness during this mission. 

During these visits, the companies present had the opportunity to discover various industrial sites such as MISOTA FOOD, Total Eren or Fedrice Battambang Ltd and to meet His Excellency SOK Lou, Governor of the province of Battambang, as well as Mr TEP Neavea, vice-rector of the national university of Battambang.

This mission enabled the companies to understand the economic situation in Battambang and to foresee investment prospects. It also provided an opportunity to re-launch possible cooperation between our French universities and the University of Battambang. The mission also highlighted the many areas of cooperation between the province and France. 

We would like to thank the following companies:  Total ErenMISOTA FOODPreah Srey Içanavarman Museum - SOSOROFedrice Battambang Ltd and Phare Creative Studio ស្ទូឌីយ៉ូគំនិតច្នៃប្រឌិតកម្ពុជាហ្វារ who gave up their time to welcome us. 

We look forward to the next CCIFC economic mission!

Photo album here

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